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SEO Certified Servers – Your Server Certifcation Specialist

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SEO Certified Server Includes

  • Uptime Monitoring
    Many hosting providers now guarantee to provide an uptime of 99.9% or higher. This is vitally important to SEO professionals because their site needs to be up and available each time a search engine spider crawls across their website. Our SEO Certified Servers are monitored to ensure that their availability is, at the minimum, a 99.9% uptime.
  • Name Servers
    The name server used by your web host is a major factor to consider because Google and other major search engines can see what other domain names share a name server with your domain. If you share your name server with a large number of spam sites then your rankings could suffer because you’re linked to a bad group of domains. Our certified servers have clean name servers, and we have proven to proactively prevent spam websites from using them.
  • IP Class Problems
    Search engines group websites into neighborhoods based on their IP addresses. A search engine can detect what types of websites are hosted on a Class C IP address, and you could be penalized if your site is mixed into a bad neighborhood. When you choose an SEO Certified Server, your IP Class is analyzed, and we check it against our database that contains thousands of spam sites.
  • Number of Websites per IP Address
    Many hosting providers choose to group many of their clients’ websites onto one IP address, and this means that some of the more popular hosts could have well over 3,000 sites on one IP address. If any site on your IP address posts material that negatively affects its search engine ranking, then each of those 3,000 websites including yours will have their ranking affected as well. You’re considered guilty by association. Unfortunately, each website cannot have its own IP address because the Internet has a limited amount, but with an SEO Certified Server, each reseller account is provided with its own IP address to eliminate the possibility of threats from outside sites.
  • Response Time
    Search engine spiders must crawl through your site in a very limited amount of time. If your website responds too slowly then the spider may leave before it is able to crawl through all of your pages. A slow response time can have a negative affect on your visitors as well. Slow loading pages may cause a potential buyer to leave your pages before they see them. To ensure proper response time all SEO Certified Servers must rank in the top 10 percentile of all servers on the Internet.
  • Date Modified
    Another commonly overlooked server concern is support for the Date Modified attribute. Google is constantly checking the dates when documents are created to determine the average age of the documents on your site and how frequently the pages are changed. Without the Date Modified attribute, these facts cannot be collected and your ranking may suffer as a result. All SEO Certified Servers support the Date Modified attribute.
  • 301 Redirects
    SEO Certified Servers must have 301 Redirect capabilities to avoid the possibility of duplicate content penalties. Ideally, the server should automatically issue a 301 server site redirect to any request made for a non-www domain that forwards users to the www domain. Redirects are important because search engines see the www domain and the non-www domain as separate sites, which can cause link popularity and rankings to be divided amongst the two.
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