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Daily Archives: January 12, 2012

Contractor Website Education..Our Motto

Our goal is to "educate" and give you the facts that are applicable to what is going on with the business.  We appreciate you as a client and my goal is provide a proper foundation that you can build from today and in the future.  With technology and marketing moving as quickly as it does...
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New Content on my site

~~Interesting email was passed my way from a client and I thought it was interesting enough to share.  Below you will find the context of the email (specifics omitted of course)~~ Dear xxxxx, I came across your website: xxxxxx and I was really impressed with its design and the information offered to your visitors. I'd like to present you with...
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How a Website Should Be Built – Architecture

Here is the best advice that I would suggest for proper web design and proper search engine optimization.
1.  Always think "architecture".  For example if you have a family of 10 and you live in a studio apartment the "architecture" is wrong (in most places :) ).  You need the appropriate number of bedrooms and bathrooms...
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