Lead Generation Websites for Contractors
Why are you buying leads?
I don’t mean to be so blunt. You have worked so hard to build your business, but buying leads and buying advertising wears down your pocket book and wears down your margins. Own your own traffic by creating landing pages that are yours. This is the same exact strategy that lead generation companies and advertising companies use. They just don’t tell you about it or you would stop buying leads and stop buying advertising. SEO landing page perfection is critical to your company generating customers. In fact do this search and you will see how Contractor Website Services ranks at the top.
In todays Internet, companies are attempting to use their website to generate leads. Their goal is to make sure their company shows up in the search engines in
a. every city they work in
b. for every service they provide
c. or for every keyword or phrase that is typed in on the Internet.
What they don’t realize is that this is virtually impossible with just a standard website. Most contractor related websites are not created properly to handle this goal. In fact, everyone talks about SEO (search engine optimization), but no one talks about SEA (search engine architecture)
In fact, having a separate web page for each city you service, each service you provide and for each keyword or phrase that is searched on the Internet will provide you the right foundation to generate real leads and phone calls on the Internet.
“Would you rather have one fishing pole in the ocean when you’re trying to feed your family or would you rather have thousands of poles in the ocean looking for certain types of fish?”
Here’s the secret. Make it as easy as possible for as many people as possible to find YOU. Make it as easy as possible for as many search engines to find you. So how do you do this, create anywhere from 20,000-50,000 landing pages to expose all the services in all the cities you provide.
Here is what we will do for you:
- Create your website if you don’t have one (with new landing pages included) or create a landing page design to match your existing website.
- Each page will include the proper Title Tags on every single landing page created. i.e Joe’s Contracting | 213-555-1212 | Los Angeles, CA | Traditional tile roofing installation.
- Headlines or H1 & H2 Tags – These are the actual titles or text that will show up on every landing page created for your company and will be different for each page created.
- Your local phone number – Your local phone number on these pages will build trust from your customer and also from the search engines bringing you even more phone calls.
- Include photos that match the type of service you provide. Your visual appeal to your customers will be worth a thousand words.
- Include Google analytics on every single page that will let you know the amount of traffic that is coming to each of these pages, how long the traffic is staying on the page, what city the traffic is coming from and much much more.
- Correct naming of the website address. Each page will have the correct URL structure. i.e http://www.examplecompany.com/los-angeles.ca/traditional-tile-roofing-installation.html. This is how the search engine will recognize your pages as well.
- Create a site map, which is a physical index for all of the pages to your website.
- Finally this index will be submitted by hand to Google where Google will accept the site map and submit not only your website to their search engine, but all the landing pages as well.
- 20,000-50,000 pages will be created*. This exact number of pages will be generated by the number of cities you cover, services you provide and the number of keywords or phrases that match your services.
Steps we take to complete your project:
We currently deploy the following steps:
1. Determine the number of cities that are relative to your company.
2. Assess the number of categories and keywords and how they relate to each other. Our goal is to provide the proper mix of links on each page so the search engines do not view each page as spam.
3. Compile the program and run the program for your overall project.
4. Manually test the programming results
5. Validate and verify all internal linking strategies
6. Include and create design to match current website.
7. Create your company site map for inclusion on google and other search engines.
8. Submit site map to google and get passing grade
9. Launch new site
10. Confirm analytics shows on all pages of site.
People use search engines to find services and information on the Internet. 2.7 billion daily searches occur just through Google alone.
The Goal of Search Engines
The goal of a search engine is to provide the most RELEVANT search results to the user that is searching, so the user will come back and use that search engine again. It’s simple. The more searches a search engine gets the more money the search engine company will make. So therefore the search engine will only display relevant information.
The Problem Search Engines Face
The search engines cannot figure out who is relevant all the time, so they depend on your website to display information that is relevant, and that it it relates to the users search term.
The Goal of a Local Business
Provide a web page that is relevant to the search term (i.e plumbing, plumber, emergency plumbing services, etc.). The closer the web page matches the search term the higher in ranking your web page will show up, and the more traffic that web page will receive. Ultimately leading to more leads and phone calls.
The Problem Local Businesses Face
It is estimated that there are over 100 TRILLION search terms that are used on the Internet today.
There are approximately 30,000 cities and that does not include towns, villages, etc.
Your company offers many different types of services in many different cities and towns.
Add pages to your website that are specific to the city you serve and are specific to the the type of service you provide (i.e fencing aloma, fl). By adding these web pages each page will be found on the Internet when someone types that keyword from within that city. Feel free to call us with any questions or concerns.
*0% Financing available